I merely sat up in bed to get this. I was angry, but at least I got an inspiration pic for my blog :) Gotta love the silver lining!! |
But God is awesome and he turned one not-so-pleasant morning into a spectacular day!! In addition to getting to talk to my mom, my dad, my bro, Larry, Haley and hearing from Bobbie...I also had a spectacular evening at school! I'm a nerd.
For those who don't know, I am studying health comm -- which, in a crazy-small nutshell, is all about communicating to people why/how they should change their health behaviors. Because my program is at Emerson, a strictly arts/comm school where sciencey-type courses are limited, I get to take a couple med courses at Tufts University. I had my first Intro to Medicine course tonight with a very quirky, totally hilarious, completely brilliant Dr. Bradshaw. In addition to learning the medical lingo and understanding basic bio + physiology, part of passing this Tufts course also includes completing our own Lifestyle Transformation Challenge.
At first I thought the assignment was a little elementary, but the more she explained it the more I came to love the idea--how can I expect to help others change their behaviors if I can't first understand the challenges of experiencing a transformation myself?!?! In the words of Aunt Katy: "DUH!!" She said that students in recent years have chosen to floss more often, eat more veggies, train enough to be in the Boston Marathon and so on. I have a general idea of what I'll be doing, but I'm keeping it to myself until I can figure out the parameters/goals I will set. We have to chart our progress throughout the semester and meet 80% of our goal if we want to pass. I'm super pumped for this, like you can't even imagine!
Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Katy understand this best about me: there's nothing like a challenge, especially one that I can earn a grade for, that will motivate me more!! Wish me luck :) I'll let you in on the details soon!
say cheese,
PS -- Sorry for the length of this one!! Tomorrow's will be short :) Promise!
I am loving keeping up with all your settling in and your antics. How did you find your roommate? Was she already there? Student at same school? FB me with all the answers! Love you!...Allison
And good morning to you. Glad you figured out trash day. Enjoying your blog and thanks for the email Love like my jackets. Poppa
You know my mother well.
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