Friday, October 15, 2010

is there a doctor in the house??

That's Drs. Berkenwald, Capers & Sterling wielding some profesh steths!
Super ridiculously awesomely fun class tonight!! In a nutshell: I'm practically a doctor.

Tonight our Intro to Med class met in the simulation labs at Tufts--it's like a real doctor's office with a waiting area, 16 patient rooms and all the fun tongue-depressors/stethoscopes/ privacy-curtains any wannabe doctor could ever need! I HAD A BLAST!!

TRUE STORY!! Our super nice (and patient) 
TA, Rachel, as I took her BP! She's healthy!!
In addition to taking turns as patients with fake illnesses and doctors trying to give a diagnosis by taking family history/signs and symptoms/vitals, we were also pretty much inducted into the super secret fast-track to medical school, thank ya very much. We learned how to properly take blood pressure and practiced on each to properly conduct a full-body physical to include ENT, trunk percussion and pedal pulse (though no practicing on colleagues, here) to use an otoscope to look into a patient's to take a resting heart rate...and (my fave) how to use an opthalmoscope to look into a patient's eye! THIS WAS THE COOLEST THING EVERRRR! I literally saw into this girl's head...and it was beautiful and way cool!! The funny part of the eye exam was our teacher explaining how to look into the eye at a 15* angle, which is easier said than done. Apparently, I was at a 30* angle (and I was thinking, "big deal, it's a blue eyeball") when my professor shifted my body slightly and all of a sudden I was THERE (to which I promptly exclaimed, "HOLY COW!"). LISTEN. If you ever get your hands on an opthalmoscope, try it out--it'll rock your world!!

Seriously, I want to spend the rest of the semester in the simulation lab!! Not kidding. It's funny how the doctor's office isn't as unattractive when you're not actually sick (and you get to play doctor)!

say cheese,

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