After our meeting, I was off to a meeting at Tufts that discussed maintaining a professional reputation within social media. I think I may be a bit ahead of the curve on this one--as half my undergrad revolved around it and my favorite professor, Dr. Sweetser, was in love with it--but it was definitely reassuring to hear that what I was told is professional down in Athens is also considered professional up here! Gotta love that confirmation. I am actually watching the election night results as I type this, and I've gotta tell ya: CNN has got it going on insofar as using social media! Jocelyn can attest that their progressive + impressive use of it really gets me excited!! ....and I know that not all of my readers will appreciate my channel selection, but I hope that you'll at least consider that their social media is pretty top notch (even if you don't agree that anything else is....)
I ventured back to the library after the meeting to knock out a few things on the ole to-do list. The Emerson library (versus that of Tufts) has wonderful windows that look out onto the Common. So as I was studying, I got to read whilst sitting in the sun and looking at the beautiful changing leaves!! I tried to take a pic, but it was so sunny (yay!) that it didn't turn out so well (boo!). Instead, I grabbed a shot of the Will + Grace set which is snuggly situated right in the middle of one of the library floors. I think the producer of the show was a graduate from Emerson and after the show ended, he gave the original set back to the school. It's pretty neat and definitely more interesting to look at than the normal outdated floral paintings that usually line library walls.
Afterward, I went to work at the Health Center from 4-8 (which I'm loving by the way!), and then back to the library (I just realized I was there three times today! Geez! Ha!) for a meeting with two girls from class regarding our next/last/other-50% paper for my theory course. Fun fact: Boys can get cancer from HPV, too, so if ya have a young fella in your house over the age of 9, get him vaccinated!! It's not cheap, but it's definitely worth it in the end...don't ya think??
Now, I'm finally back home--after toting a hugenormous bag all around downtown Boston all day --so I'm settling in with a cup of my favorite Earl Grey tea and getting ready to catch up on some zzzzz's!
say cheezzzze,
Listen- this thing sucks because I just left you a comment and it didn't work.. stupid internet. To recap- I was super behind and just read like 7 posts to catch back up. I totally love you and miss having you 10 feet from me and I don't know what's up with this 1061.58 miles between us thing. Major bummer. I love learning about Boston and all your adventures and am so glad that you are so happy there! I love you dearly, Ms. Capers, and hope we get to chat it up soon. Miss you!
Who is this Larry guy?
Love all your blogs. Love, Bobbie
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