Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentine's day!

Two posts in one day--what's going on?! It's like we're in some crazy time warp!! I just wanted to let y'all know that my started-off-not-so-well-at-3:30-a.m. Valentine's Day actually ended quite nicely :)

I awoke this morning with a picture text from Anna--ya know, my teacher friend in Texas who knows about crazy cool music. Her message: "What Valentine's Day looks like in Pre-K. I have now received 11 candy hearts. This is bigger than Christmas!" Quite a bold claim by Ms. Kerr, but I just thought I'd share this awesomeness with all of you to remind you of the good ole days when you decorated a bag with pink hearts, red kisses, and tons of glitter just so that your friends and crushes could drop in a sweet note and a piece of candy....that their parents paid for. Boy, those were the days!

Photo courtesy of AnnaKerrAnna
I hope each of you had beautiful days of folks showering you with love and telling you just how spectacular you are--because you are! And that it was one filled with courage and love and appreciation for those around you! Because even if you've no one to call your own, you've always got me!

<<As I'm typing this, I'm interrupted by a phone call from the lovely Katie Weiser, aka my BFF!!>>

In our phone call she announces that she and her rockin' awesome fiance, Kevin (affectionately referred Kevers) are coming to see me in April!! FREAK! OUT! I'm so excited!! BEST VALENTINE'S DAY EVERRRRR!

love y'all!

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