Thursday, March 3, 2011

stroke by coke?

My. Life. Is. Over. I’m done! Finished! Caput! The end is in sight and we have lost the battle.

My certain demise was clinched earlier this month when the American Stroke Association announced that daily consumption of diet soda—deemed previously as the healthier alternative to its more sugar-filled counterpart—may be linked to a higher risk of vascular events, such as a heart attack or stroke.

My only problem with this finding, unfortunately, is that if I could have Diet Coke pumped through my veins on a daily basis via an IV, I’d probably be the happiest girl in the world. My obsession with this glorious product came when I was 18 years old and traveling in Europe: Diet Coke was absolutely the only beverage that tasted normal to my spoiled taste buds over there. And thus my dependence began.

Luckily, I grew up in a home where daily soda consumption was not permissible (sweet tea did not fall into this category, praise the Lord), so I never drank it in excess. And when I made my move to Boston, Mass.—the land of mass transportation and carrying heavy groceries ten blocks home—I learned very quickly how to make my 12-pack last well over two months. So maybe, just maybe, this whole stroke-by-coke business won’t apply to me?

For those who are ingesting one or more diet sodas everyday, the stroke-by-coke issue may be closer to the heart than previously realized. Studying more than 2,500 people for more than nine years, scientists with the Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS) found that daily diet soda consumption leads to a 61-percent higher risk of stroke or heart attack, compared to those who do not partake. Investigators of the soda study acknowledge that future research should look more intently on brand and type of diet soda consumed—so the verdict’s still out on whether your diet beverage of choice is a silent killer…or not.

For me—a Southern girl raised less than two hours away from the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Ga.—Diet Coke is the only selection on my diet soda radar. (My people would punch me in the face if I ever drank and, Heaven forbid, liked that other “p”roduct.) So I found it amusing when I checked out CNN Health’s take on this whole issue, only to see that their article and accompanying photo hardly point to the Coca-Cola product as a possible stroke culprit.  CNN’s headquarters, located only steps away from the World of Coca-Cola, pictures myriad blue cans, instead of the trademarked silver and red ones, and even goes on to quote a representative from the American Beverage Association who points out that “this information comes from a research paper…and was not reviewed…by experts in the field.”

CNN’s obviously not ratting them out, but what’s Coca-Cola got to say about all this? I will forever be a lover of all things Diet Coke (until it starts causing people to turn green and sprout tails), but I must admit that I was a little disappointed that such a marketing and public relations god had yet to respond in any way about these new findings. Even if the information did just come from a “research paper,” people are talking about it and some are worried, and I, of all people, don’t want to see the beverage gurus suffer. Though I wonder if their silence stems from fear of contradicting their current Heart Truth ® campaign

I realize this is technically a “health blog”…and that I may be encouraging poor health behavior by promoting my beloved diet soda of choice…and that this beverage may cause heart attack or stroke if consumed daily…so I have to leave you with something to keep you health conscious…so…ummm…drink more water and…

Put a lime in the Diet Coke, you nut. And drink it all up! Just not everyday. I have to keep my fingers crossed and hope that if they can create the delicious diet alternative, then surely the healthier non-stroke-coke must be on its way soon!

And on that note, I’m off to find a vending machine….
katy c. 

**This post was originally published on March 2, 2011 on the HealthBent! blog

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