Friday, October 28, 2011


I had a fabulous adventure tonight with some great people :)

It all started when a truck EXPLODED on the highway, which kept the train Emily and I were riding on from moving forward. So we hopped out and trekked the two miles to church in snow-worthy temperatures...

Joined by a merry crew of friends from my church's community group, we all piled together and drove to Ipswich, MA to a corn maze for some freezing fall fun! And so began two hours of slippin' and slidin' on post-snow field dirt, hollering out for our friend Gerald, "I think we should go right!" and "We found a clue!" well as confusing and willy-nilly elections of new leaders to guide us through the eagle-shaped maze. We never actually found the exit (drat!) but it was really a great time....though we may have ruined our shoes..

Wrapped up the evening with a trip to IHOP, which reminded me of my Granny and Granddaddy who would treat us there with hot chocolate whenever we'd go visit, and snagged a photo with our hilariously opinionated waitress, Roberta. It really was a wonderful time! Not necessarily clean fun, but definitely good fun :) It was a-corn-mazing!!

say cheese,
katy c. 

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