Saturday, October 2, 2010


Just wanted to let everyone know that my Lifestyle Transformation Project is going great! I met my goal the first week and exceeded it by an hour this past week. So far, so good! Go team!

say cheese,


Anonymous said...

If this was facebook, I would like that post!

Auntie said...

Awesome! I must say that I initially misread "updateyroo" as "undeyroo" and thought you were blogging about your undeypants!

Unknown said...

with all the library sitting you need to exceed this:) when the snow comes you may want to consider stair climbing -- could be fun>>>>>>>

Aunt Katy

Katy Capers said...

haha! i'd never considered where i'll go when the snow arrives....stairs might be a welcome alternative!!

...and if you want to read about "undeyroos" you should read any comments left by my mom...she likes mentioning odd things that your grandfather might stumble upon :)