In high school, my all-time favorite teacher, Dr. East, made us memorize approximately 2,000 vocabulary words every semester in preparation for the SATs. I'm a super duper memorizer--but not exactly a fabulous retainer, those words are loooong gone--and I was in the practice of writing those terms on notecards and then carrying them around all day/night to drill them into my head! You can imagine what three Dr. East classes and 2,000 words per class looked like....a heapin' of cards! I'm 97.93% sure that my ability to leap small buildings in a single bound (obvs using my magically awesome back muscles) was gained by carrying around the world's largest backpack filled with a surplus of notecards for four years.
All this to be said, I'm back in the swing of things! Only now, I have a smidge-bit more money (like...$3 more) and can splurge for the colorful ones! Whoooo hoooo! Fancy schmancy!
So hear this, Milly, Catherine, Elise, Charles, Kenzie, Andrew, Julia, Elizabeth, and Jamie: (Sometimes) what you learn in high school (actually) stays with you (even if it's just study skills) + is useful in the future (...believe it or not)!!
say katy-has-two-midterms-next-week-and-is-about-explode-slash-freak-out!!
You always say you are freaking out...come to think of doesn't fall far from the I remember it..I used to freak out too when the midterms got near. Sigh. But..I also seemed to always do well (barring a few physics exams) and soon realized that all the freaking and stressing was too exhausting. So, take it from me...spare yourself the anxiety. Study and go to bed. Love you, mom
But do you use only one color highliter per class (ask Li'l Elise about that one)?? and do you color occrdinate the cards by class and with you hi-liter???
Notecards are the worst.
And a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you !!!
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