Thursday, May 5, 2011

the loch ness monster of the cracker aisle.

Many slash most of you will not understand the significance of the picture, so let me explain...

Goldfish crackers come in three sizes: small, medium, and way-too-huge. I always buy the small ones, but they (of course) never seem to last as long as ya want them to...still ya can't justify buying an $8 ten-gallon'ish box of fish-shaped salt snacks when they'd be just for you (and not the classroom of pre-k students they're intended for). I'd always heard the medium-size box existed--as the sticker on the grocery store shelf indicates they are available for sale--but never actually seen one in real life (unless you count that one time in undergrad when Weiser found them and I naively began to believe that purchasing them on the regular would be possible).

Ever since then, I've played this oddly suspicious game of hide-and-seek with the medium-sized box. I turn down the aisle with fingers crossed and tongue held juuuust right...and yet I always lose and have to give in to the small but delicious tinier package. But that was yesterday...

Well, my friends, what with health care reform, the Royal Wedding, Osama Bin Laden news, and the promise of two Jersey Shore spin-off series (she said with sarcasm), I know you've been immensely worried of the medium-size box mystery, too. But I've come here to you to spread the good news: They're real. And I've got proof :)

say "mom's love fishes cuz they're so delicious!"
katy c.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Loch Ness monster of crackers...very clever!