Thursday, February 3, 2011

if it doesn't have a sign, you're allowed to touch it.

Wielded the power of my magical Emerson ID again and got into Boston's Museum of Fine Arts today...for free!! The Dream Team--aka Jocelyn, Emily, Susan and myself--was in attendance and we had an absolute fabulous time becoming totally cultured, sophisticated women of Boston society.

And let me tell ya, the MFA did not disappoint! The place is about the size of Texas, so we only hit the wings of personal interest. First up was the spectacularly HUGE and new "Art of the Americas" wing. They had everything ranging from busts of Thomas Jefferson to antique wedding dresses to old carousel seats shaped like pigs and dogs. Next, we raided the "Ancient World," seeing cat and alligator mummies, authentic three-story-tall pillars, Egyptian burial jewelry, and even (as Susan pointed out) old Egyptian beer mugs! We found our way, next, to the "Artists Abroad" exhibition--probably my favorite place! This part of the museum was just huge, open rooms with hardwood floors, high ceilings (great echoes!), and beautiful paintings by Monet, Van Gogh, and Renoir draping the walls. (Personal faves: "Rouen Cathedral in the Fog," "Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin," and "Dance in Bougival," respectively.) There weren't any fancy modern contraptions/exhibits to steal away your attention from these Impressionists' talent and I absolutely loved it!! Finally, we made our way to the "Modern Art" realm and tried to describe to each other why we think some modern art is actually art....and why some modern art is just arbitrary scribbles/splashes on a canvas. We came to the conclusion that "to each his own" is probably a good school of thought and enjoyed beautiful paintings by Georgia O'Keefe and Jackson Pollock.

And as newly inducted members of Boston's officially elite, we then nonchalantly proceeded to Northeastern University's Curry Student Center for Taco Bell and Wendy's. You can put the girl in a museum, but ya can't take the Taco Bell from the girl (especially one named Jocelyn Sterling).

don't say "cheese," it's a still painting. duh.

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