Friday, July 29, 2011

i have to read more.

A few recent observations that led me to this revelation:
1. I stare at either a computer or cell phone screen all day. My little eyeballs need a break from the fake and need to experience something real!
2. I desperately want to write a book someday! No clue what it will be about...what genre it will fit into...or if it will be any good...but I know that a quality product can only come from research, experience, experimenting and inspiration! So I'm trying a few new folks on for size!
3. The right side of my brain is bored and the left side is exhausted. The remedy: some fiction!
4. I recently finished the third and final book of the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers (Holy cow, GO READ THEM!! Not even kidding). The tricky part about this is that I started reading them last June. So more than one year to read three books...the last of which took nine months. I'm busy...but that's just pathetic!
5. I have an extremely long and forever-growing reading list, and I'd like to scratch a few off before school starts back and I turn into scary-student-Katy again.

Thus, here are my most recent purchases to get me started:

Let me explain why these beat out the rest of the list for now:
1. Something Borrowed -- Because sometimes a girl just feels romantical and needs something easy-breezy that requires little-to-no thought. Done and done.
2. The Hunger Games -- Everyone and their mom has read these but me! So in order to not feel left out and to read them all before the movies come out starting early 2012 (in case the Mark of the Lion series debacle of 2010-2011 happens again), I'm sinking my teeth into this series as soon as possible. This will also satisfy my need for an adventurous read!!
3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo -- Intellectual stimulation? Check. I've heard crazy good things about this series and I can't wait to dive into this murder-mystery-corruption thriller! I've heard it may be a little challenging to get through, as some scenes are overtly explicit and intense, but as long as it's not about health or health promotion or health policy, I'm sure I'll be juuuuust fine!

All this to be said, I hope you've been able to take a little time to yourself this summer and lose your way in a great book, too! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know of any suggestions you may have for me to add to my list -- I'm excited to return to my first love and maybe stick with her more consistently this time around :)

say cheese,
katy c.


Lesley Anne said...

We must've been roomies freshman year of college or something. All of these books are on my reading list, too! Just finished Something Borrowed not too long ago, but it was so mindless that I don't think I'll be able to read the rest of the series. You'll have to let us know how you like it though! Love you and miss you.

Katy Capers said...

LA!! Oh my good gracious I miss you, first of all!! Secondly, we must have been roomies or something because that Something Borrowed book was the epitome of 'mindless.' Boooorrrinnggg. I wanted my money back! Ha! Seriously, the first time I felt a twinge of excitement/interest was on PAGE 300. Not even kidding. I'm definitely not wasting my time on the rest of the series -- I'll just stick to the movies (if they're any better!). The Hunger Games, however, is OWNING MY LIFE right now! Thus, no blogs as of late :) The little free time I have has been swallowed up by those things! I just finished the second last night but I'm making myself take a breather until at least Thursday before I'm allowed to start the last one. READ THEM, OMG you'll love 'em!! Absolutely wonderful to hear from you, my dear! I feel like I'm still totally in-the-know re: you and yours because I read your bloggy blog all the time...which I adore, by the way! Love you so much! Give Key-Lay a hug for me!!