Monday, September 20, 2010

good clean fun!

I realize that this has nothing to do with my post, 
but please notice:
1) I can't post a TV show pic without 
running into copyright issues
2) This is the same machine that 
didn't work for me last week...
proof that it was the machine's fault and 
that I do know how to do laundry and
3) How clever am I that I made this semi-random pic 
and my TV blog coincide in my title?!
I love America. Where else can Lady Gaga wear a meat dress? An entire month be consumed by Major League Baseball? Katie Couric get a colonoscopy in front of millions of viewers? Six friends stay best friends for ten years/seasons with their only problem being when to swap apartments again? NOWHERE!!

American television's attack on unsuspecting American minds each September is totally brilliant. Think about it: around this time of year most families are becoming comfortable enough in their new daily schedules to begin looking for something new + juicy to spice up their monotonous evenings...and what's more interesting than the perfect-hair-teeth-and-skin twenty-somethings (trying to pass as high school kids) beeboppin' to Brittney Spears in the key of A?! NOTHIN!!

Today starts TV's big premiere week on most networks--aka the week they try to get ya hooked on what they're dishin' out for at least the next three months...making you spend far more money on take-out and far less time on homework in order to get in front of the screen on time. Of course, I partake in a little boob-tube from time-to-time so I'd like to think I'm an expert in separating the entertaining from the not during this fun week of debuts. (Although, the professional TV-watcher probably knows how to make their list skinnier than mine...)

Thus, I'm sure you're interested in what I'll be watching this here's a few that I think you should totally check out:
- "Castle" premiered tonight @ 10 on ABC
- "Glee" is tomorrow @ 8 (yippee!!) on FOX and "Parenthood" starts @ 10 on NBC
- "Modern Family" kicks off its third season after its very successful second @ 9 on Wed on ABC
- "Bones" (in which I am emotionally invested) starts Thursday @ 8 on FOX to a (hopefully not frustrating) new season

**Note: Shows that I will not watch/refuse to watch/don't understand how they're still on air include "The Simpsons," "The Cleveland Show" (a modern, grosser version of the first) and "Family Guy." Ewwww.

Luckily, I got a heap of work done this weekend so my weeknights will be a little lighter this week in order to take in a bit of America's favorite past time. Of course, there's nothing wrong with multitasking to ensure that everything gets done on time--after all, multitasking...why, that's the American Way!!

say cheese,


Mitchell said...

Hello? How about NFL, Baseball playoff season, and College football!!! Oh, I forgot; your dawgs ain’t doin’ too good!!

Katy Capers said...

1. NFL is boring and the good college football games are on the weekends...and i was referring to weeknights so those don't fit :)
2. i do LOVE baseball in september...i will edit for you this one time, but don't get use to it.
3. DO NOT talk to me about my dawgs right now--i'd like to see tech go get an entirely new team + coaching staff...when that happens, we can chat

Anonymous said...

kenz had 2 essays assigned yesterday that are due on wednesday.....and she has dance from school dismissal till 6:00...hello....... did they not realize that glee starts tonite....what are those teachers thinking!!! as sue says.....thats the way i c it....... love you, flo

Katy Capers said...

what are they thinking?! bunch of crazy loco people! and they call themselves "educators"...HA! YEA RIGHT!

Carol Capers said...

Well...I watched the new season Dancing with the Stars...and as always...enjoyed it. Lots of LOL moments!