Sunday, September 5, 2010

there's no place like home.

"It's GAlinda...with a 'Ga'."

Day four in Massachusetts and day four of AWESOMENESS!! 

Earl left his mark: a whopping 15* cooler today than yesterday...thank goodness! This a.m. Mommy and I got Boston's coffee must-have--Dunkin' Donuts--to gear up for our day. Got some final odds and ends for my apartment, and then headed to Bean Town (which I've been informed is a reference no-no if ya don't want to sound touristy). We rode the Green Line into the city to have dinner at Ye Olde Union Oyster House--America's oldest restaurant, thank ya very much. We totally pigged out: oysters and clam chowder for apps, the Lazy Man's Lobster (aka pre-plucked) for me, and scrod and potatoes for Mommy. (Poppa--I wanted to get Boston baked beans just for you but they wouldn't let me switch! Next time!) We walked off our dinner by following the Freedom Trail toward Emerson (she still hadn't seen the school) when we stumbled upon Broadway's Wicked at the Boston Opera House (an absolutely stunning theatre FYI). I said I wish I could see it, she said let's see if they have any tix left...and ten minutes later we were sitting in the fourth row for one of the most fantastic shows ever!! My mom is awesome.

Super supper!!
We did a lot of walking today in gorgeous weather--amazing blue skies, white puffy clouds, a cool breeze and a spectacular lady at my side--and I just kept thinking, "This is so great. I am so blessed!"

say cheese,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sure looks like you are settling in... But dont forget you do have to go to school sometime!!
BTW - it seems my comment issue is my firewall, so I'll have to logon outside my firewall to make any comments for you.
... Mitchell