Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i have no witty title....it's about jobs, for crying out loud.

It's a big bad world out there, people. Harsh and critical and downright rude sometimes!!

Soooo my phone interview today went really well, she said without sarcasm. It's for a teller position at Citizen's Bank and the recruiting lady was very nice, and I almost made her cry!! True story. She asked if I remembered a time when I thought I went above and beyond for a customer, so I mentioned one of my all-time fave customers that would come to FAB&T who was Deaf. He and I would sign together and I TOTALLY loved every single one of his visits! Anyway...she cried, I cried, everybody cried...and then she said she'd set me up for another interview with the branch manager. So that's tomorrow at 11 a.m. -- wish me luck! So what's with my caustic remark above?...well, it's all yellow-brick roads and daisies and butterflies right now, but...

Katy has eight quarters in her pocket. 
How many trips on the T will that buy her?
Applying to jobs is hard!! Feel sorry for me. They ask all these difficult questions that ya can't answer and easy ones that ya don't want to answer (because you're supposed to talk yourself up)...filling out the actual application takes about two hours...and then ya have to take a test and they lay this one on ya:
Tommy is at the store. He wants to buy a jacket. In his wallet he has a $20 bill, six $10 bills, four $5 bills, nine $1 bills, four quarters, four dimes, two nickels and nine pennies. If the jacket Tommy wants to buy costs $46.97, then what bills would Tommy need to use to buy the jacket while using the smallest amount of bills possible?

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It's like the SAT all over again! I just knew the next question was gonna start off, "Tommy is in a train in Tribeca. Sally is in a train in San Francisco. If their trains leave at the same time going approx. 75 mph..."!!!! Now, Uncle Mitchell, before ya say, "That's so easy a yellow jacket could even figure it out!" please know that I got to the answer easily enough, but the fact that that question popped up on my screen right after "How many quarters are in a dollar?" totally threw me for a loop!! What do they think I am? A college graduate?!

But alas, tomorrow I'm going corporate. Sigh. Big resume in one hand and maybe a cup-o-joe in the other. Ahhhh...bring it on!!

say cheese,


Anonymous said...

remember when you took that math test and thought "i'm never gonna need to know this again"........ well, apparently, you did........ good luck on your interview!! love u, flo

Mitchell said...

You’re right – it is an easy question; and a trick question at the same time!
The answer … Tommy used his AMEX!!

Carol Capers said...

Ha! LOL! You made me chuckle...like I was in the room with you. I'm not sure how many rides on the T you can get for those quarters in your pocket...but if you lose the card that buys those rides...you have none! Ah yes...I remember it well. So now you are in class and I can't call you to see how the 11 o'clock corporate interview went...but I'm betting pretty well. Can't wait to hear. ENjoed 2days blog...funny end to a pretty good day!