Saturday, September 18, 2010

out on the town!

the entire poem was written on the ground 
all the way across the longfellow bridge -- LOVES IT!
the wonderful skyline!
sorry it's blurry, i took it with my phone!

Happy Friday!! The work week is over  :)

Super great day today, filled with making study calendars, a dash of school reading and getting a job interview lined up for next week! Jocelyn and I also had a roomie date night which was fab! We went into Boston to the North End--where all the fancy, delicious Italian restaurants are--and had dinner at Cafe Pompeii. We munched on some yummy bread, caesar salad and minestrone soup. It was amazing!!

Then we tried to go see a movie but it was (sad face)
sold out. So we improvised and headed out to the MIT area. We just wandered along the Charles, appreciating the beautiful Boston skyline, and made our way back to the T station via the Longfellow Bridge. One froyo with mango + snickers later, we were back home with one gloriously-successful roomie date night under our belts!!

say cheese,

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